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String Quartets and Oboe Quartet
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Stotijn/ Netherlands String Quartet

String Quartets and Oboe Quartet

Price: € 13.95
Format: CD
Label: Globe
UPC: 8711525603707
Catnr: GLO 6037
Release date: 19 August 2002
1 CD
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€ 13.95
Catalogue number
GLO 6037
Release date
19 August 2002

About the album

The second album in a series of three featuring the famous Dutch violinist Nap de Klijn who died in 1979 but who is still fondly remembered by a great many music lovers. He was the founder and great inspiration of the Netherlands String Quartet, who played all over the world to great acclaim during the 60s and 70s. Two of Mozart's greatest string quartets can be heard here to which we added the wonderful Oboe Quartet, featuring Jaap Stotijn as the inspired soloist. The original (mono) recordings were made in 1954 and 1956, and although the recording quality may not be of the same quality it is in the digital era of today, once again these performances stand out as shining examples of great quartet playing.
Intense en edele uitvoeringen van de mooiste kwartetten van Mozart
Dit is het tweede in een reeks van drie albums met de beroemde Nederlandse violist Nap de Klijn, die in 1979 overleed, maar nog steeds herinnerd wordt door een groot aantal muziekliefhebbers. Hij was de oprichter van en inspiratiebron voor het Nederlands Strijkkwartet, dat tijdens de jaren 60 en 70 met veel bijval overal ter wereld optrad. De Klijn vormde ook een beroemd duo met zijn vrouw, de pianiste Alice Heksch, die een van de eersten was die de sonates van Mozart met de Klijn uitvoerde op een originele fortepiano.

Op dit album speelt het Nederlands Strijkkwartet twee van Mozarts beste Strijkkwartetten en het prachtige Hobokwartet, met de geïnspireerde Jaap Stotijn als solist. De originele opnamen werden gemaakt in 1954 en 1956. Ook al is de kwaliteit van de opnamen niet zo goed als in het digitale tijdperk van tegenwoordig, de uitvoeringen onderscheiden zich als lichtende voorbeelden van geweldig kwartetspel.

De Trouw schreef over dit album: “Nap de Klijn en zijn kwartetgenoten zetten in de Mozarts een frisse, met een verfijnd vibrato aangekleurde toon neer; hun voordracht is zowel intens als edel, zoals bijvoorbeeld het adagio van KV 499 laat horen.”


The Netherlands String Quartet

The Netherlands String Quartet was founded in 1986. The four musicians are all section leaders with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. Kees Hülsmann studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Jo Juda. He gained his soloist diploma with distinction in 1973. For a period he was leader of the Haifa Symphony Orchestra. He makes regular appearances as a soloist both in the Netherlands and abroad, and gives an annual mas- terclass in Bad Hofgastein. Mieke Biesta studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Herman Krebbers and was awarded the Prix d’Excellence. She she completed her studies with Josef Szigeti. She has appeared as a soloist in many cities, including Prague, London, Copenhagen and...
The Netherlands String Quartet was founded in 1986. The four musicians are all section leaders with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra.
Kees Hülsmann studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Jo Juda. He gained his soloist diploma with distinction in 1973. For a period he was leader of the Haifa Symphony Orchestra. He makes regular appearances as a soloist both in the Netherlands and abroad, and gives an annual mas- terclass in Bad Hofgastein.
Mieke Biesta studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Davina van Wely and Herman Krebbers and was awarded the Prix d’Excellence. She she completed her studies with Josef Szigeti. She has appeared as a soloist in many cities, including Prague, London, Copenhagen and Paris, and she has made regular solo appearances with various Dutch orchestras.
Gerrit Oldeman studied at the Brabant Conservatorium with Ervin Schiffer. In 1971 he was awarded the Prix d’Excellence and he went on to complete his studies with Bruno Giuranna and Serge Collot in Paris.
Marien van Staalen studied at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam with Jean Decroos. At the same time he also studied conducting with Joop van Zon, David Zinman and Kirill Kondrashin. He frequently appears as soloist and with chamber ensembles and he has made several records and CDs, both as conductor and cellist.


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School.  At 17, Mozart was engaged as...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose actual name is Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, was a composer, pianist, violinist and conductor from the classical period, born in Salzburg. Mozart was a child prodigy. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty. Along with Johann Sebastian Bach and Ludwig van Beethoven, Mozart is considered to be one of the most influential composers of all of music's history. Within the classical tradition, he was able to develop new musical concepts which left an everlasting impression on all the composers that came after him. Together with Joseph Haydn and Ludwig van Beethoven he is part of the First Viennese School. At 17, Mozart was engaged as a musician at the Salzburg court, but grew restless and traveled in search of a better position. From 1763 he traveled with his family through all of Europe for three years and from 1769 he traveled to Italy and France with his father Leopold after which he took residence in Paris. On July 3rd, 1778, his mother passed away and after a short stay in Munich with the Weber family, his father urged him to return to Salzburg, where he was once again hired by the Bishop. While visiting Vienna in 1781, he was dismissed from his Salzburg position. He chose to stay in the capital, where he achieved fame but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas, and portions of the Requiem, which was largely unfinished at the time of his death.



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